The Vulkan SDK includes the Khronos‐branded Vulkan loader binary for Linux and macOS. On Windows, the Vulkan Loader is delivered with the hardware vendor driver update packages. The loader discovers and manages the Vulkan devices and layers available to the application.
The SDK provides you with tools to assist the developer during application development. Common tools are the Validation Layers, apidump, vulkaninfo, and capture/replay tools.
The capture and replay tools allow you to capture API calls in binary format and play them back. This is useful for sharing traces when debugging your applications with third parties (such as IHVs) without having to share the application. For application developers it can be useful to validate that the application is executing Vulkan API usage as expected.
SPIR‐V is a new binary intermediate representation (IR) for graphical shaders and compute kernels. The Vulkan graphics API requires the SPIR‐V format for all shaders. To help you meet this requirement, the SDK includes tools for proper shader generation, GLSL and HLSL conversion, inspection, and compression improvement.
Each SDK is for a Vulkan header version. Online documentation for all the tools in the SDK is included as well as builds of the Vulkan specification for the header version.
An online Vulkan tutorial is provided that will take the user through the steps to render a basic object on the screen. In addition, there are simple Vulkan samples that demonstrate the use of some of the Vulkan API calls.
LunarG has a long-standing partnership with the Khronos Group, a technology consortium that works to develop advanced, royalty-free, acceleration standards for 3D graphics. LunarG is also actively involved in influencing the Vulkan specification process, and in representing its clients’ needs at Vulkan Working Group meetings.
Find out why there’s no longer a need for a Vulkan SDK based on 1.0 headers.
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