LunarG is at the Vulkan, Forging Ahead session at the Khronos BoF during SIGGRAPH 2024!

Afterward, have live 1:1 conversations with key LunarG senior software engineers at the Khronos Networking Event!

(NEW) Watch the Videos –

Presentations –

Khronos Event Logistics (at the Hyatt Regency Denver)

Vulkan, Forging Ahead: Wednesday, July 31: 3:00 – 6:00 pm MDT
Khronos Networking Event: Wednesday, July 31: 6:00 – 9:00 pm MDT

The Vulkan SDK – From the Vulkan API launch to Today, by Karen Ghavam, CEO & Engineering Director, LunarG Inc.

Presented as a Keynote at High Performance Graphics (HPG) 2024

Watch the Video on LunarG’s YouTube Channel
Download The Presentation

The purpose of this whitepaper is to describe how to create a Vulkan Layer in symbiosis with the Vulkan ecosystem. By this, we mean creating a layer that can benefit from the tools of the Vulkan ecosystem while following the Vulkan ecosystem conventions so that Vulkan developers don’t have to keep up with constant new behaviors. Instead, we can rely on the behaviors familiar to developers and can focus on using the features of the layers.

Click here to view the white paper.

The Vulkan validation layers provide important information about the behavior and correctness of applications, and it is important that validation transfers this information to the user as clearly, usefully, and completely as possible.

Community feedback, received through LunarXchange, Github, and Vulkan Ecosystem Surveys have highlighted several areas for improvement and we have recently turned our focus towards updating the layer messaging systems. Read on for more information about these improvements and a link to our new white paper.

Continue reading “Error Reporting Improvements for Vulkan Validation Layers”