LunarG is at the Vulkan, Forging Ahead session at the Khronos BoF during SIGGRAPH 2024!

Afterward, have live 1:1 conversations with key LunarG senior software engineers at the Khronos Networking Event!

(NEW) Watch the Videos –

Presentations –

Khronos Event Logistics (at the Hyatt Regency Denver)

Vulkan, Forging Ahead: Wednesday, July 31: 3:00 – 6:00 pm MDT
Khronos Networking Event: Wednesday, July 31: 6:00 – 9:00 pm MDT

The Vulkan SDK – From the Vulkan API launch to Today, by Karen Ghavam, CEO & Engineering Director, LunarG Inc.

Presented as a Keynote at High Performance Graphics (HPG) 2024

Watch the Video on LunarG’s YouTube Channel
Download The Presentation

LunarG releases new Windows, Linux, and macOS SDKs for Vulkan header 1.2.162.  New SDKs provide advanced developer support for Apple platforms and a new 1.0 version of Synchronization Validation that moves beyond alpha. Read on for information about the new features and updates.

Continue reading “New Vulkan SDKs with enhanced developer support for Apple platforms”

New Guide to Vulkan Synchronization Validation

Correct synchronization is needed to ensure correct results from Vulkan operations (whether graphical or computational). A Vulkan Synchronization Validation layer has been created to help identify resource access conflicts due to missing or incorrect synchronization operations between actions (Draw, Copy, Dispatch, Blit) reading or writing the same regions of memory. LunarG offers a Guide to Vulkan Synchronization Validation to help developers get started.

Continue reading “New Guide to Vulkan Synchronization Validation”