LunarG has removed the September 2021 white paper, Creating Portable Vulkan Applications Using DevSim, from the site because DevSim has been deprecated.

LunarG has published a new white paper that explains the new Vulkan Profiles Toolset Solution, which helps to make the Vulkan capabilities requirements explicit between the application and the domain. Vulkan Profiles are a tool to help developers create portable Vulkan applications within a specific Vulkan domain.

Please download Vulkan SDK for the latest Vulkan Profiles fixes.

Click here to read the Vulkan Profiles Toolset Solution white paper.

The Device Simulation Layer (also called Devsim) helps developers write applications that can be used on multiple platforms while following the Vulkan specification. To ensure an application properly handles multiple platforms, these checks must be run on all platforms of interest to the developer. Combinations of GPUs, ICDs, drivers, and operating systems to name a few factors create an exponential number of possible test platforms, which is infeasible for a developer to obtain and maintain. DevSim can help solve this problem. For example, DevSim can be configured as though the application is running on a device with the minimum properties, features, and limits defined by the Vulkan specification.

Please read the new white paper, Creating Portable Vulkan Applications Using DevSim, to learn how to use this valuable tool.