LunarG updated the vulkaninfo program to improve the user experience. This program is located in the Vulkan SDK available on the LunarXchange website. Two changes were made to vulkaninfo — the addition of the 1) –-html and 2) -j and –-json options.
Overview of Vulkan Info improvements
Developers can use the vulkaninfo program to help characterize a system by outputting a variety of pertinent Vulkan information to standard output. To improve the user experience, the added –-html option redirects this output and organizes the same information in a convenient, more visually appealing HTML format. The user can then open the vulkaninfo.html file in a favorite browser to view their system’s information. The collapsibility of the sections gives the user more control over which piece of hardware and/or type of Vulkan information receives the most visibility at the time of viewing.
LunarG also added the -j and –-json options. These additions introduce the ability to organize vulkaninfo output into a DevSim-schema-compatible JSON file. DevSim refers to the LunarG Device Simulation tool that is also found on the website. This option takes the original vulkaninfo output and organizes the information in a different format — JSON. The JSON text isn’t necessarily easier to read but can be used with other tools in the Vulkan toolbox, specifically the VK_LAYER_LUNARG_device_sim
More information
Read more information about the updates to Vulkan Info and the Vulkan DevSim tool in the Docs section of the LunarXchange website.
LunarG’s software engineering experts create innovative products and services for open source and commercial customers using leading-edge 3D graphics and computational technologies, including OpenGL, Vulkan, OpenXR, and SPIR-V. We have strengths in performance analysis and tuning, runtime and tools development, shader optimizations, driver development, and porting engines and applications to Vulkan. Our software engineering team is based in Fort Collins, Colorado. LunarG was founded by software experts who are experienced in and passionate about 3D graphics.
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