Now Available – Vulkan SDK

Released 14 May 2024

Today LunarG released a new SDK for Windows, Linux, & macOS that supports Vulkan API revision 1.3.283.

The highlights below are not a replacement for the important and detailed information in the release notes!

Overview of new features in SDK

  • Improved validation coverage. VUID validation coverage documentation has been updated to represent the validation layer VUID coverage status.
  • The Vulkan Configurator (vkconfig) has been updated to improve quality and stability.

Windows Highlights

  • The Vulkan Capabilities viewer is now available on the Windows start menu.

macOS Highlights

  • Updated to MoltenVK version 1.2.9 with improvements in quality & stability.
  • Added symbolic links to the /include and /bin folders in the /iOS install directory.
  • Added a version of for use with iOS in the /iOS folder.
  • The shader toolchain in the linked /bin folder is compatible with iOS as is the /headers folder.
  • The script sets up the VULKAN_SDK environment variable to point to the iOS libraries and frameworks.
  • Using the Xcode generator with cmake will produce usable iOS projects.
  • The Vulkan Samples SDK has been updated to be compatible with this SDK.
  • Added extension: VK_EXT_host_image_copy
  • Added MVK_CONFIG_SHADER_DUMP_DIR configuration parameter to optionally dump shaders to files.
  • Several updates to SPIRV-Cross for MSL.
  • Deprecation Notice: Future versions of the Apple Vulkan SDK will no longer be distributed as a .DMG (mountable device volume). Instead a notarized .zip file containing the installer executable will be posted.

Linux Highlights

  • Deprecation Notice: The Ubuntu Focal (20.04) packages will be dropped the next SDK, in support for Ubuntu Noble (24.04) packages.

Thank You!

LunarG would like to thank the many contributors to the Vulkan Ecosystem that help make the SDKs possible!

Release Notes

About LunarG

LunarG software engineering experts create innovative products and services for open-source and commercial customers using leading-edge 3D graphics and compute technologies, including Vulkan, SPIR-V, OpenXR, and OpenGL. We have strengths in performance analysis and tuning, runtime and tools development, shader optimizations, driver development, and porting engines and applications to Vulkan.

Please check out our website.

Go to the Vulkan SDK Download site to get the new SDKs