LunarG will share three Vulkan API, ecosystem-related, Birds of a Feather (BoF) presentations at SIGGRAPH 2019. Read on for more information and access to the slide sets.

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Benefits of the Vulkan macOS SDK

Targeting macOS with your Vulkan application? Don’t forget that you can take advantage of several important benefits by using the Vulkan SDK for macOS instead of linking directly to MoltenVK.  Read on for more information.

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LunarG updates the GPU-Assisted Validation white paper to reflect new validation available for situations when the VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing extension is enabled. LunarG originally released GPU-Assisted validation with the Vulkan SDK.  Read on for more information about this new validation and its description in the updated LunarG GPU-Assisted Validation white paper.

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